Mormon Kabbalah
This is the official podcast of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (or the Fellowship of Christ, or the Fellowship) is an online nondenominational ecumenical movement. Some might call us Latter Day Saint universalists. Our focus is on unity through the teachings of Jesus Christ through the eyes of Mormon Kabbalah and ubuntu; a quality of essential virtues, including but not limited to compassion, tolerance, and acceptance.
Mormon Kabbalah
Book of Remembrance Chapter 22: Rise up to Perfection
In this episode we go over perfection as we grow closer to the Lord.
From the Book of Remembrance:
"Yea, rise over by counsel from God and thou shalt reach the perfection by Christ, who is to come. Yea, rise up to the perfection, but not by thy power, for man canst not do this alone, but by the power of Christ." -Book of Remembrance 22:14
Music: “Impact Moderato” by Kevin MacLeod
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