Mormon Kabbalah
This is the official podcast of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (or the Fellowship of Christ, or the Fellowship) is an online nondenominational ecumenical movement. Some might call us Latter Day Saint universalists. Our focus is on unity through the teachings of Jesus Christ through the eyes of Mormon Kabbalah and ubuntu; a quality of essential virtues, including but not limited to compassion, tolerance, and acceptance.
Mormon Kabbalah
1 Moses Chapter 1: The Creator
" And he [Moses] heard The Voice, saying: Blessed art thou, Moses, for I, Elohim Shaddai have chosen thee; and thou shalt be made stronger than many waters; for they shall obey thy decree even as if thou wert the Creator. And lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days; for thou shalt deliver my people from bondage, even Israel, my chosen peoples." -1 Moses 1:45-47
Read the 5 Books of Moses in a free PDF free PDF, buy a paperback or a hardback copy from Lulu, or a paperback on Amazon.
Music: “Impact Moderato” by Kevin MacLeod