Mormon Kabbalah
This is the official podcast of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (or the Fellowship of Christ, or the Fellowship) is an online nondenominational ecumenical movement. Some might call us Latter Day Saint universalists. Our focus is on unity through the teachings of Jesus Christ through the eyes of Mormon Kabbalah and ubuntu; a quality of essential virtues, including but not limited to compassion, tolerance, and acceptance.
Mormon Kabbalah
The Torah of Moses from the Plates of Brass Q&A
"To the descendants of Joseph, to be kept hidden from the World until the Last Days: By the Power of YHVH, these Plates of Brass shall not perish, neither shall they be dimmed by time; but YHVH Elohim shall preserve these Words to go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people from the mouths of those who are of the seed of Joseph; and even as Joseph fed Israel and kept them safe from famine in a strange land, these plates must be preserved that Israel may eat of the Word of God in the famine that shall be found the Last Days." Title Page
Read the 5 Books of Moses in a free PDF free PDF, buy a paperback or a hardback copy from Lulu, or a paperback on Amazon.
Music: “Impact Moderato” by Kevin MacLeod