Mormon Kabbalah

Book of Remembrance Chapter 2: Before the Creation

David Ferriman Season 2 Episode 2

In this episode we go over Chapter 2 of  The Book of Remembrance. Here we talk about the pre-mortal world, the creation, and what that means to your call and ministry in Jesus Christ.

From The Creation:

"As a teenage boy, one night I sat in my room conversing with the voice of the Lord; I was asking Him questions and He was giving me answers. My vision of the creation came this night when I was in bed, pondering the mysteries of the universe. I had been praying and was filled with the spirit. I was pondering the theory of evolution and the creation story, as told by my religious relatives and as I had learned of it at church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). As a teenager in high school, this seemed very important to me; the Lord had already shown me a few visions that evening and I was fearful of the answer I would receive."

From the Book of Remembrance:

"In the beginning was the counsel, even a counsel of the gods, and YHVH, the Lord Jesus  Christ premortal, was God, and chief or head of the gods; the same was in the beginning with Elohim and is the Only Begotten."

Music: “Impact Moderato” by Kevin MacLeod

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