Mormon Kabbalah

Book of Remembrance Chapter 3:1-11: Dividing the Light from the Darkness

David Ferriman Season 2 Episode 3

In this episode we go over Chapter 3:1-11 of  The Book of Remembrance. Here we talk about the first day of the creation, and what that means to your call and ministry in Jesus Christ.

From the Book of Remembrance:

"Then said Elohim unto YHVH and Michael: Yonder is matter unorganized; go ye down and organize it into a world like unto the worlds that we have heretofore formed; call your labors the first day and bring word.  And then mine Only Begotten said unto Michael and the gods and angels: Let us go down.  And they went down at the beginning; and they, that is the gods, organized and formed the heavens and the earth, thus creating their second estate that they might prove themselves. And Elohim said to the gods: Let there be light; and they, the gods, said: Let there be light; and there was light. And behold, Elohim, saw the light; and that light was good. And they, the gods, comprehended the light, for it was bright; and they, by the command of Elohim, divided the light, or caused it to be divided, from the darkness. And Elohim called the light Day and the darkness he called Night; and this was done by the Word of their power; and it was done even as Elohim spake. And thus the gods too called the light Day and the darkness they called Night. And it came to pass that from the evening until morning we called night and from the morning until the evening called we day; and this was the first, or the beginning, of that which was called day and night, not by the reckoning of time as to man, but by the order or direction of Elohim and by the counsel of the gods. And the evening and the morning were the first day." 3:1-11

Music: “Impact Moderato” by Kevin MacLeod

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